
It is very important for me to get your feedback in order to improve both my toy work and my teaching system. I want my toys to please and the courses to be as effective for you as possible. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could share your impressions, as well as the results of the workshops (face-to-face and distance)! Thank you!

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7 months ago

Удивление и детская радость от результата. Это чудо, когда из клочка шерсти, под чутким руководством Ярославы, получается зверек или вещь, которую можно активно использовать в хозяйстве 😉. Яра, большое спасибо за то, что вносишь разнообразие в рутину жизни.

7 months ago

Hi Yara, I am so happy that I was able to enjoy three face to face courses with you. I love all your animals, the figures, finger and hand puppets and the way you pass on your knowledge. I have already learned a lot from you and would like to continue learning. My orangutan hand puppet got a little orangutan finger puppet. I also enjoyed felting the seals with the online course. I look forward to many more courses with you, online and offline. Thank you very much

Jo Cook
8 months ago

I love all of the courses I have purchased so far. I keep making frogs and people keep taking them from my fridge so I need to make another for myself. It's amazing how much there is to learn and I am fairly experienced at felting now. Instructions are fabulous. Thanks you

Galina Dik
8 months ago

«в ожидании принца» 🐸

8 months ago

Вот такой волк получился на основе курса по пальчиковой собаке. Ярослава, спасибо

8 months ago

This course was a gift from my daughter, which I am very happy about. Felting this little penguins reminds me of our stay in Argentina, where we were able to see Magellanic penguins in nature. Thank you Yara for the interesting course and all the explanations you gave to get the best result. Even it was not a live course I enjoyed this record course.

Andrea Merkel
8 months ago

Hallo Yara, die Möwen zu filzen hat viel Spaß gemacht!

Saira Jan
8 months ago

Yara, I have really enjoyed your classes. Since last summer, I have been enjoying making toys following your online instruction videos. Thank you so much for such excellent classes. I finally had a chance to work on my rooster project. Here is a photo. Your work is much appreciated. (Saira from Fibrecraft)

Nicki Lord
8 months ago

Yara is fantastic - what more can I say - it's so impressive that all the photos of the puppets that people have made look absolutely as they were meant to. The only downside is that it's very addictive (but luckily the puppets don't take up much room). I would thoroughly recommend anyone to have a go. Also my family are extremely happy that they have an easy present option for me (so far we have covered Birthday, Mother's Day and Valentine's Day) Brilliant

Beth Pottinger-Hockings
8 months ago

Yara is a natural & generous tutor & her instructions are detailed. She seems to have a solution to all possible issues. Elephants are my favourite animal & I had so much fun making it. Despite being an experienced felter, this little elephant took a fair bit of time. Thanks Yara, I will be back 😊

9 months ago

I always enjoy the live stream with Yara. The course to make a koala family with a baby and magnets in it was again a very interesting one. Yara gives clear instructions to reach the best result. If any problems arise, Yara always has a solution. Her patience to explain things is limitless. It is always a pleasure to felt with so many people from all over the world, I like my koalas very much and I'm very happy with them.

9 months ago

Удивительный мир шерстяных малышей поселился дома, благодаря Ярославе. Понятные доступные стрим курсы всем советую. В итоге вы получите милых зверушек и овладеете техникой шерстяной скульптуры

Ulrike Brutzer
9 months ago

Dear Yara, thank you for the great koala workshop. I really enjoyed it and I am delighted with the result. The relaxed little guy now accompanies me while practising yoga.

Марина Ксенофонтова
9 months ago

☀☀☀ Когда увидела Солнышко на листочке с надписью "Лучший день сегодня!", которое показала Ярослава, сразу поняла - мне его НАДО!!! ⚓ Почувствовала, что это такой сильный эмоциональный якорь!, когда вокруг тревожно, увидишь с утра это чудо и сразу становиться радостно и спокойно!!! ☀☀☀ Наделала много! 😆, понимаю, что нужно еще! 😂, часть уже подарила - какую радость доставили эти личные Солнышки!!!, даже сфотографировать не успела - вот что осталось...

9 months ago

I really enjoyed the live stream in which Yara taught us to make a koala family with a baby and magnets in it. I love them! Apart from that they are so cute you learn a lot of techniques and Yara tells all the problems you may find on your way….. and gives solutions! It’s also very nice to know that we are felting together at the same time…although it sometimes was hard to keep up and I find it quite hard to look at the screen and work myself at he same time. Thanks a lot 🙏

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