
Free Sheep Brooch Workshop

Free Sheep Brooch Workshop

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Fearless sheep: presentation of a new Sheep Hand Puppet Livestream Course and a Free Lamb Brooch Workshop


Hi and welcome to the Fearless Sheep livestream!

We'll start on 8th August at 4 pm Finnish time (GMT/UTC+3).




- Presentation of the new Sheep Hand Puppet Course (28-29.08)

- Discussion of important creative questions: why an adult needs a toy and how to stop being afraid to create

- Review of starter materials and fleeces for magic curls

- A free mini-workshop on the Lamb brooch - a simple little miracle to be created together during the livestream!


How to join the livestream?


To join the livestream you just need to do a simple registration on the website (you name, email and create your own password for setting your personal account).

As soon as you register, you have a personal account on my website, where all the livestreams take place and all your purchased and free learning materials are stored. A recording of this livestream and workshop will also be stored there.

In your personal account, select the sheep livestream picture, click on it, and it will take you to the livestream page. Have a good creative time!

Чтобы присоединиться к мастер-классу, создайте личный кабинет, пройдя простую регистрацию. Затем добавляйте интересные вам мастер-классы в свой кабинет и творите. Если у вас уже есть личный кабинет, то повторной регистрации не нужно. Выкройки и списки необходимого также прилагаются к мастер-классам.

Специально для вас

Copyright © 2009-2024 Ярослава Тройнич - Все права защищены - Политика конфиденциальности 2024-04-17 00:48:44