; Wild Marathon 2023. Game 3. May. — Bibabopuppets

Wild Marathon 2023. Game 3. May.

Wild Marathon 2023. Game 3. May.

The third letter of our wild alphabet is F (Russian Ф). And this time it's not  an animal one, but a plant one! Spring is the perfect time to grow something amazing.


Quick rules

Once a month, we randomly raffle a letter of the alphabet, to which you must choose from any of our planet's current fauna - from a bug to a whale - according to your tastes. Within a month you have to make a work inspired by this character and post it with the hashtag #bibabowildmarathon, adding a couple of interesting facts about this animal in the description of the work. Work in any format or technique as long as it's to your liking and suits your creative ideas.

You can see the full rules of the game on the start page of the game (choose the right option from menu on video screen).

This time it's a special game - instead of animals we choose plants, lichens and mushrooms. Wow, imagine what an unusual game this will turn out to be!



What grows on the letter F?

The letter 'F' does not give a huge choice, but still there are bright options, the main thing is to break through the obscure names. Use any names in your language with starts with F too, it doesn’t need to be in English.


Of the flowers, we have fuchsias, ficuses, freesias, forzias, fatshedra, fritillaria, felicia - behind each obscure name are very clear and vivid images. Look at the ravenous ferraria!


Among the English names, fern (fern), Japanese maple (Fullmoon maple), lavender (French lavender), forget-me-not  seem quite inspiring.


In addition, there are few options from the garden -  fennel, Fava beans, flat beans, French beans, fenugreek, frisée, feijoa, finger lime and, of course, figs from the fig tree!

Of the lichens, Foliose and Fruticose are inspiring.


Feel free to use Latin names too, especially with mushrooms. Here are some mushroomy options: straw-yellow Floccularia, Flammulina velutipes, Flammulina filiformis (Japanese Enokitake mushroom), Fistulina Hepatica (Beefsteak mushroom).

When should I finish my work?

You work until May 31 and post the finished work on your social media (Instagram, Facebook) with the hashtag #bibabowildmarathon.

Deadline is May 31. 

It is important rule to add small description about your work and plant you have chosen. This way your work looks more interesting and we learn new things about animal world.

You may do several works. 


If you can't make it in time, post it later. I will add all entries to the collection, but late entries will not participate in our monthly collage, our wall of honour. 


I will put together a general collection which I will publish here and on social media. On May 1 we'll raffle a third challenge, and so on all year round! 

Yaroslava Troynich
1 year ago

?The third #bibabowildmarathon for May was a very special botanical game, and to my delighted surprise, it generated a decent rise in inspiration amongst the ranks of participants. 

If my calculations are correct, we have 44 entries, covering at least 23 species of plants, fungi and lichens at the time of summing up. Great work!

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